The human digestive tract is around 18 feet long extending from the beginning to end. Within this is an entire civilization of microbes competing for food and real estate.
Digestive tract
The estimate is that we harbor over 3 trillion bacterial cells in our intestinal tract. These microbes were once thought to be quiet inhabitants of the body, but research has proven that this is far from the case. Studies show that the microbes that exist in our guts can produce compounds that can damage the digestive tract wall, making it permeable to the proteins and chemicals that would normally be excluded from being absorbed.
These compounds with names like LPS, acetaldehyde, and oxalates can enter our blood stream and create inflammation in various parts of our body. They can trigger arthritis, cardiac arrhythmias, skin inflammation, lung issues, liver issues and a large array of other conditions. This is an incredibly common pattern in chronic disease and goes by the collective name dysbiosis.
Dysbiosis is not something that most physicians look for in patients suffering from chronic disease, so patients suffering with this pattern will continue to suffer unless they get the right kind of care. Dysbiosis can be evaluated by specialty stool, blood or urine tests and treated with a comprehensive approach for gut restoration.
The road to a healthy digestive tract
I have seen so many patients suffer from chronic disease for years, only to treat this issue and have all their problems resolve in a matter of weeks.
No more arthritis drugs, migraine drugs, or even drugs for high blood pressure. Once the gut is cleaned up, and the diet is corrected symptoms often resolve without the need for these interventions. It’s what I call a blind spot in medicine.
People don’t treat what they can’t see, and if you don’t know how to test for this, you won’t ever see it. That’s why working with a gut health expert is key to your digestive tract recovery.
If you’re having digestive tract issues, I can help. Contact me here and I’ll get back to you ASAP.