Exploring the Microbiome, Adverse Food Reactions, Toxin Exposure, Diet, and Lifestyle. Introduction In the quest to understand and treat various diseases, a paradigm shift has occurred in recent …
Adrenal Issues: A Blind Spot in Modern Medicine
The story is all too familiar. A patient comes in with a history of chronic fatigue. They feel older than their years, worn down and lack the energy throughout the day to function well. All they want …
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Why the digestive tract is central to the disease process
The human digestive tract is around 18 feet long extending from the beginning to end. Within this is an entire civilization of microbes competing for food and real estate. Digestive tract The …
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How to Choose the Right Naturopathic Doctor
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care that emphasizes prevention, treatment, and the promotion of optimal health using therapeutic methods and substances that encourage …
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